Team Building Blog
MR TEAM BUILDING, Strategic planning team Building is a full day event with #teambuilding activities, strategic planning, motivational speaking and inclusive of lunch and mid breaks.
#teambuilding #MRTeamBuilding #johannesburgteambuilding
Braai Master Team Building
Braai Master Team Building is a fun way of Interactive team building, to motivate staff and increase team work and communication skills among your employees/company staff.
Get a quote today |Call: 078 312 0118
Outcome Based Team Building
This Team Building theme is Best suitable for Events with debriefing at the end of the session, teams work together to build team cohesion, team work, Innovative Ideas, communication and trust.
#teamworkteambuilding #outcomebasedteambuilding #teambuildingjohannesburg
Monte Casino Team Building
Our Team Building Delegates Meet up at Fego Cafe in Monte Casino for mouth watering Arrival Tea,Bottomless Coffee and Pastries.
Poitjiekos Cook-off Challenge
Poitjiekos Cook off Challenge is an interactive challenge, that participants are divided into teams and are given a Mysterious Box Filled with Ingredients, Spices, Utensils, Meat and veges, teams have to butter and trade for ingridients they don't have with other teams that have. The Best Poitjiekos Will Win The Challenge.
#Poitjiekoschallenge #Mrteambuilding
Outdoor Team Building is a great way to engage and interact your team in a fun way, creating a strong and communicative team through fun challenges fit for all ages.
#outdoorteambuilding #survivorteambuilding #teambuilding #interactiveteambuilding
Book A Team Building
We are the best at Team Building Events.
Get a quote now for your next team building.
#TeamBuilding2021 #teambuildingactivities #MRTeamBuilding #teambuilding
Amazing Race Monte Casino Team Building
Amazing Race Monte Casino Team Building is a fun, interactive & low physical team building fit for all groups, this team building is inclusive of arrival tea coffee and pastries/breakfast at wimpy, Ice Breakers, Amazing Race and 11h00am refreshments break at Fego café then ten pin bowling challenge, Minute 2 Win it challenge and lunch at Fire Room Restaurant in Monte Casino
Arrival Team Building Snack
Team Building Ten Pin Bowling
Ten Pin Bowling Team Building is a fit for all ages Fun Day Team Building, we are open and covid ready. Book now for your year end team Building function.
Monte Casino Team Building
Today we Team Building again at Monte casino, with a team of 7people. No event is small or big for us, teams differ in numbers of work, our priority as a team Building company is to bring team work, team interaction, team communication and fun into all types of groups and teams.
welcome team #portfoliometrix(pty)Ltd